Starlen College of Nursing

15 Effective Ways To Improve Customer Satisfaction And Retention

Social media can help with customer retention by letting you target past buyers. With Facebook and Instagram, for instance, you can create target audiences based on pages that customers visited – like, say, a “Thank you” page after making a purchase – or on certain events. And listening is a great way to improve customer retention – if you know what the problems are, you’ll have a much better chance to fix them. It tells you how well you’re able to keep your customers coming back for more. For a benchmark, it’s been reported that a 35 percent or higher retention rate in the ecommerce or SaaS industries means you’re doing really well. Aside from the fact that it’s more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to keep existing customers, there are many other reasons that customer retention is important.

how to improve customer retention

The result is the percentage of clients who remained with you over that time. If customers know that they can count on you to treat them fairly beyond the sale, rather than disregarding them after receiving their money, they will trust you with future purchases. While many customers wait a few weeks to receive a product, some may want or need an item as soon as possible. Nurture and grow your business with customer relationship management software. Build a start-to-finish strategy to identify improvement opportunities and strengthen retention. Every strategy won’t work for every business, but as long as you’re keeping the customer’s needs in mind, they’ll be happy to purchase from you every chance they get.

How to Measure Customer Loyalty

But first, here’s a list of customer retention strategies you can start executing this week. You want to avoid providing one-size-fits-all solutions for customers needing products and services that cater to differing scales, time limitations, or other preferences. If you’re looking for more innovative Customer Retention for brokers ways to grow your online presence and create opportunities for growth, consider working with Forbes Books. We specialize in helping grow brands and business leaders through book authorship and a host of media services. Learn about our Member’s outcomes by visiting our Success Stories.

how to improve customer retention

The customer experience involves everything customers think and feel when they encounter your brand. Customer-facing interactions, such as support ticket resolution or how a brand communicates its values, are a few factors that can affect a buyer’s relationship with a brand. You will keep more customers by creating a seamless experience that makes them happy every step of the way. However, if your business falls short of customer expectations, you risk losing those customers before you even have a chance to make things right. Customer retention rate is the percentage of existing customers who remain customers after a given period.

Get To Know Your Customers

Your customer retention rate can help you better understand what keeps customers with your company, and can also signal opportunities to improve customer service. Once you understand how well or poorly your company retains customers, you can work to improve your customer retention rate. Rewarding customer loyalty is a good way to increase customer retention. Customers like it when brands appreciate them and give them reasons to stick around.

how to improve customer retention

On the website, customers will find DIY kits and tutorials on how to care for their hair and skin with everyday products they can find at home or in the grocery store. Classy Curlies builds trust extremely well by doing something most business owners might scratch their heads at — they show their customers how to accomplish the company’s mission on their own. Your business can take this technique one step further by giving extra care to these customers. Follow up with them on a phone call or with a personalized email to understand how you can make their experience better. Clothing and shoe eCommerce site Zappos is well-known for its excellent customer service — including its efforts to show customers how much they care by saying thank you and sending gifts.

What is customer retention rate?

You can do this via any number of customer retention strategies. Good options include weekly email newsletters, running contests on social media, and producing high-value content (like blogs, videos, podcasts, or ebooks). Making an impact with a thoughtful and prompt closed-loop feedback process sticks in customers’ minds and improves customer relationships. One of the biggest keys to retaining customers is to know how customers feel.

  • However, they encounter a big increase in the final price in the form of shipping costs.
  • Treating them as people and not just numbers on a screen can go a long way towards encouraging them to become repeat purchasers.
  • This consistent personalization helps your team meet customer expectations, and pre-scheduled event reminders and confirmations can improve meeting attendance and results.
  • If product return rates are rapidly increasing, however, it may suggest a more fundamental problem that needs to be addressed.

A communication calendar is what you use to keep in touch with your customers at regular intervals. But the essence of all these is to render good services, and meet customer’s goal at the end. When your processes are standardized, it will give you the opportunity to deliver on the promises that you made to customers. Sure, you’ll see a boost in conversion rate as you engage customers manually, however, you can communicate stronger and faster through automation.

Communicate With Your Customers

This makes your team more versatile and keeps customers happy throughout the purchasing experience. This is especially important when the customer experience is an area where you’re being measured against your competitors. For more ideas regarding increasing loyalty through customer marketing, check out the podcast below. “According to Nutcracker, 55% of customers are likely to buy a product if they love its narrative.

Testimonials can range from short pull-quotes to long interviews. Did you know that 72% of consumers say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more? That’s a huge boost to your credibility for very little investment.