Starlen College of Nursing

Puppy Training Timeline: Teaching Good Behavior Before It’s Too Late

When it comes to house training a new puppy, there are a few different routes you can go, depending on your specific situation. Before settling on one, you need to evaluate your puppy’s needs and habits, keeping in mind that the younger they are, the more frequently they’ll need to go potty. Below you’ll find a few potty training tips that will help you regardless of the method you choose. One of the most common mistakes we see new dog owners make is that they don’t give the dog enough time to finish doing its business. The owner will see the dog pee and sit around a few minutes and think it’s finished, only to return the dog to find out it pooped in the house a few minutes later.

  • If they refuse to walk over to you, or walk off, that’s ok.
  • Plus, classes challenge your dog to learn around the distractions of other dogs.
  • Cover the floor of your confinement area with the puppy pads and replace them as needed.
  • Give the verbal cue “play dead” or “bang” while pointing at their body.

Make a huge big deal whenever your puppy is eliminated in using the potty proper location! Praise them, show them affection, and perhaps even organize a puppy party (well, maybe not that far). Show them that they did an excellent job, and they will be more driven to repeat that behavior. Positive reinforcement not only helps them comprehend what you want, but it also builds your bond with your pet. Another smart way to prevent no-nos is to carefully plan the timing of your dog’s potty breaks. This can be a tricky step for owners who free-feed their pups, as their eating and bathroom habits can be more unpredictable.


Giving your dog something they really like – such as food, toys or praise – when they show a particular behaviour means that they’re more likely to do it again. So it’s important to be patient and consistently teach them what your words and hand signals mean. For example, if you yell at your dog not to bark at the mail carrier, they won’t understand the meaning of your words. Instead, teach a quiet cue, then reward your dog for obeying when the mail is delivered.

Are Corgis Easy To Educate? – Summary

Once your dog can stay, you can gradually increase the distance. This is also true for the “sit.” The more solidly they learn it, the longer they can remain sitting. Training goals are achieved in increments, so you may need to slow down and focus on one thing at a time. To make sure the training “sticks,” sessions should be short and successful. A puppy who knows the “stay” cue will remain sitting until you ask them to get up by giving another cue, called the “release word.” Staying in place is a duration behavior. The goal is to teach your dog to remain sitting until the release cue is given, then begin adding distance.

Training a dog at any age can teach them your expectations of them and strengthen your canine-human bond. Torn-up shoes and pillows are not fun to come home to. Your dog’s chewing behavior may result from separation anxiety, boredom, or teething. Whatever the reason, cutting off access to chewable items and providing plenty of chew toys can help put an end to this behavior. The goal should be to keep your dog close to you with a loose leash rather than pulling ahead on a tight lead.

Having a puppy is a big responsibility, and it’s your job to stick with the schedule and constant supervision—just as you would with a child. The more often your puppy is allowed to successfully eliminate outside, the more quickly they will become potty trained. Crate training is a very effective tool to help not only with potty training your puppy, but also with creating a safe place for your puppy to call home. Dogs are naturally den animals, so their instincts will tell them to find a quiet place to eat and rest.

Still on obedience training, you need to leash train your Corgi as soon as you get them at your home. Attach a leash to the puppy and walk with them outside. At first let them walk freely in whichever direction they want to. After a while, you can start leading your Corgi where you want it to go. Do not pull on the leash, gently pull them and soon enough, they will understand what you require of them.

Some will have to go out every time they play or get excited. Some will stop in the middle of a play session, pee, and play on. As with human babies, canine potty habits are highly idiosyncratic.

I wasn’t sure how much was physical and how much was her attitude. This approach focuses on teaching puppies to go potty only when they’re outside. One of the most popular and effective ways to do this is crate training. It consists of confining your puppy to a crate that is big enough for them to hang out comfortably, but not big enough to allow them to use a part of it to go to the bathroom. This gradually teaches your puppy to hold their bladder and bowels until they’re let out.

The world is full of things your dog wants, such as delicious food, comforting cuddles, and walks outside. If you teach your dog that they’ll get what they want by giving you what you want, it’s a win-win scenario. Think about what your dog enjoys and build a hierarchy of their favorite things.